로그인 회원가입

부정 구문 주저하다 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • look back
  • 부정    부정 [不正] [불공정] injustice;
  • 구문    구문 [口文] (a) commission; a percentage;
  • 주저하다    shilly shally; baulk; hang back; stagger;
  • 주저하다    shilly shally; baulk; hang back; stagger; hesitate; jib; look back
  • 주저하는    leery; lingering; tentative; hesitant; hesitative; hesitating
  • 주저하는 사람    waverer; sticker
  • 주저하면서    hesitantly; hesitatingly
  • 주저하지 않는    unhesitating; unfaltering
  • 주저하지 않은    nonwavering; hyperfocused
  • 철저하다    thorough; comprehensive; complete; finished
  • 구문을 설명하다    construe
  • 주저    주저 [躊躇] [망설임] hesitation; [우유 부단] indecision; irresolution; (의견·방침 등의) vacillation; (양심의 가책에 의한) scruples. ~하다 hesitate; [흔들리다] waver; scruple ; think twice ; vacillate; be irresolute[hesitant]. ~하여
  • 저하    저하 [低下]1 [낮아짐] falloff; a decline; a drop; lowering; (품질의) deterioration; (가격의) depreciation. 능률의 ~ lowering of efficiency. 도덕적 관심의 ~ a decline in concern about morals. ~하다 fall off; decline; drop;
  • 구문    구문 [口文] (a) commission; a percentage; brokerage; a cut. 1할의 ~ a 10% commission . ~을 받다 take[receive] a commission . 매상고의 20프로를 ~으로 주겠다 I will give you a commission of 20 percent on sales[a 20 perce
  • 구부정하다    구부정하다 rather[slightly] bent[curved / arched]; somewhat crescent shaped. 그는 몸이 수척하고 ~ He is slender and slightly bent.
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